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3D modeling, UAV mapping, and GPS-guided heavy equipment.

Technology & Design


The processes by which we 3D model projects before beginning construction allow the technology team to fully examine design documents and detect any clashes between new and proposed utilities, structures, and infrastructure before they become an issue in the field.

​Upon concluding the design and value engineering review, the 3D models we produce are transmitted to field personnel and GPS-guided heavy equipment. This ensures that all trades have the most current design documents and information available in real-time. Utilizing Trimble Machine control and site positioning systems minimizes the potential for grading and utility installation errors and negates any potential rework.

We also employ site documentation and activity tracking using regularly scheduled UAV mapping. This technology bolsters our QA/QC efforts and allows us to track site progress and completion percentage more accurately.

Technology & Design


3D Modeling

Trimble 3D GPS Guidance

Value Engineering

UAV Mapping 

UAV Inspection

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